Thursday, October 30, 2008

Digital Sticky Note: Literary Luminary--Due before November 12, 9 PM

We have just assigned our first digital sticky note assignment.

The Duval County Technology Standards require that : Students use telecommunications to collaborate, publish, and interact with peers, experts, and other audiences. and students use a variety of media and formats to communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences.

So, we're starting with something small: one response, identifying and explaining the effectiveness of a literary technique in the book you are currently reading. Here are the directions we shared in class:

1. Read your book and find an example of a literary technique. (You can still use an actual sticky note for this part.)
2. In a Word document (or any word processing program), type your title, author, and page number. Then, type the passage and response. Use your spell check tool and review your work for content errors.
3. Go to the response blog: Then, select the response post for your class. Click on the “comments” link.
4. Paste your passage and response in the box.
5. Under the “choose an identity” heading, select the Name/URL button. Enter your first name, last initial, and class period. Ex: Bethany T, 1A
6. Then, click the orange “publish your comment” button.

Your response will then be saved (but not visible on the blog) until one of the ELA teachers "approves" it and publishes it. Most responses will be published within 24 hours. You will receive your grade later in class. You will be graded on
  • the insightfulness of your response,
  • the accuracy of the literary technique you've identified,
  • mechanical correctness/spelling (proofreading), and
  • correctly formatting your response.

If you do not have access to the internet or to a computer, please see your teacher for a pass to use one of our computers in the morning or you may stay after on Monday, November 3rd to use a computer. Some class time will be offered for completing the response as well.

We look forward to reading our first paperless assignment!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Character Analyst is due on 10/22(B) and 10/23 (A)

Directions for Character Analyst
Your job is to pay attention to how the writer develops character.
Find three different passages (one per sticky) that reveal three of these methods of characterization:
•what the character says about him/herself,
•what the character's actions and choices tell you,
•what other characters say about him/her, OR
•what the author tells us directly about the character’s personality.
Then, explain what conclusions you make about the character’s personality from the passage. Make sure you identify a personality trait and explain why it's important to know that your character has that particular trait.

For a complete assignment, you will need to have 6 notes: 3 character analyst notes, 1 word wizard, 1 connection, and 1 summary. You also need to read 50-150 pages and 90 minutes.


Thursday, October 9, 2008

Progress Reports are going home Thursday, 10/9 and Friday, 10/10

Progress Reports
To update students and parents, we are sending progress reports home this week. We're nearing the end of the quarter, but there are still three grades that can help improve your final average: SN#3 (Questioner), Sourcebook Check, and Book Card Check. Students who are missing work will need to turn in the late work and conference with us before Tuesday, October 21. Morning and afternoon conferences are scheduled by appointment.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Questioner Sticky Notes Set (SNS #3) --due 10/9 and 10/10

Your job is to write and answer THREE questions, using the QAR strategy, that would promote discussion. TAS—Think and Search. This is a question that requires the reader to search for evidence throughout the reading passage or book. Question stem: What evidence (or clues) do we have that...? To answer the question, you need three examples (at least one must be a quote). AAM—Author and Me. This question requires you to read the text and form opinions, make inferences and connections, or predict events based on evidence. The reader can answer the question with ideas derived from the book (AUTHOR), but must also use his own knowledge and experience (ME). In your answer, you must use at least one quote from the text. Note: Do not ask the author the question. OMO--On My Own. The reader is inspired to ask a question about a theme or issue. The reader can answer the question without reading or rereading the text. In fact, anyone could answer the question, even without reading the passage or book. However, the book inspires you to wonder about this issue. Answer the question first, then explain how the book/passage made you wonder about this issue. You may use a quote to show what inspired your thoughts. Note: There should not be any character names mentioned in an OMO question.