A place to post updates about the eighth grade language arts classes at LaVilla. Look here for assignments, contests, pictures, links, and recaps of what we've been doing in class.
Friday, April 24, 2015
Brainstorming to write
Were you absent on April 23rd or 24th due to testing (or any other reason)?
In class, we read lots of poems and charted how they fit several characteristics of poetry. We'll keep adding to that list in class. Just get your "poetry brain" going.
We also started brainstorming for a poem that everyone will learn about soon. For now, we're getting a list of memories tht can help us build imagery based on our lives: our neighborhoods, our homes, our childhoods. What we have discovered is that our memories and experiences are what shape who we are today. You can get a copy of the brainstorm sheet by clicking this link.
If you need help with the description part, click here for a sensory word list or just "google" the phrase "sensory word list" to find more.
Tuesday, April 14, 2015
Extra Credit: Achieve 3000 due by SUNDAY, April 19th!
Achieve3000 article activities by Sunday, April 19th, 2015.
must earn at least a 75% or
higher on all four
(4) activities to
get the extra credit points. (if you get a low score on one, then do an extra.) You may choose the articles you're interested in reading by using the search feature.
student who completes four activities with a passing score (75%) will earn two (2)
points of extra credit.
might not be
another extra credit opportunity this year.
Don’t ask for extra credit at the end of the quarter. Do it now!
Go to https://portal.achieve3000.com
Your username is your student number . Your password is the one that begins with a 16.
This is great practice for your FSA. It's a meaningful extra credit opportunity and one we encourage all students to try!