Friday, December 12, 2008

Editorial Due Date Extension--December 17th/18th!

We passed back the rough draft of editorials almost a month ago. We've had mini-lessons (with time for writing) on many areas: leads, conclusions, elaboration, citing sources, punctuation, organization, transitions, word/sentence variety, and even homophones. Now it's time to show how you've applied those lessons to your editorial.

Due to the Benchmark testing, we've extended the due date for the final draft of the Editorials. This assignment is now due on December 17th (a day) and December 18th (b day).

There are four required pieces to turn in:
  • the final, beautiful, typed draft with a Works Cited (see rubric below)
  • the original rough draft with teacher feedback slippey-doo.
  • any revisions made along the way, typed or on looseleaf paper, and any evidence of conferences during the full month of classroom writing workshop time.
  • the rubric (currently located in student sourcebook)