Monday, November 19, 2007

Bradbury Literature Circles

For the next couple weeks, we will continue literature circles. You will have opportunities to read and take notes in class and then discuss on the meeting days. Any reading/notetaking you don't finish in class will need to be completed at home. Don't forget to use the calendar (below) we gave each of you to keep track of your responsibilities.

For each set of sticky notes, you must turn in 3 notes for your role (Questioner, Visualizer, Passage Picker, or Connector) and 1 Wild Card Sticky note. The Wild Card notes change for each meeting.
Wild Cards:

wild card for Mtg #1: Find a passage that is confusing. Explain what confuses you & what you think it means.

wild card for Mtg #2: Find an example of sensory language. Copy the passage in which the example was found. Then, answer these questions: -How is the passage above an example of sensory language? -How does it enhance your understanding of what is happening it that part of the book?

wild card for Mtg#3: Find a word or phrase that is very "Bradbury." Copy the passage in which the word or phrase was found. Then, explain the meaning of the word or phrase in the context of your book. Why is this a very "Bradbury" word or phrase?

wild card for Mtg#4: Find an example of simile, metaphor, or alliteration. Copy the passage in which the example was found. Then, explain how the example is an effective use of this particular technique.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Editorials are due on 11/13 (A) 11/14 (B)

For the past month, we have been working on writing Editorials. Now that you've had several days of writer's workshop, your Editorials are due next week (Nov. 13 A day Nov. 14 B day). While revising your Editorial, you should think about the writing lessons we have already had: Leads for an Essay, SEEPS Elaboration, Conclusions, Organizing your Editorial, Citing Sources, and Formatting your Editorial. Don't forget to use your rubric as a guide. Once we collect your editorial and write feedback on it, you will get it back to revise for the final draft. Remember they must be typed (12 pt, Times New Roman font, double spaced). We can't wait to read your work! Below are the requirements for a top score (from the rubric). You can find the full rubric here.

Lead introduces subject, and immediately engages the reader’s interest, impelling continued reading by using one of these leads: anecdote, quotation, quicklist, shocking statistic, sensory details, or concession.

The thesis skillfully and clearly presents the writer's claim, and the reasons in the best order.

Details, reasons, examples, and anecdotes are skillfully intertwined to elaborate thoroughly on each point. Support is substantial, specific, concrete, relevant, and/or illustrative.

All sentences sound natural and are easy-on-the-ear when read aloud. Each sentence is clear and has an obvious emphasis. Word choice is precise, powerful, and appropriate.

Information is purposefully organized into a structure that is appropriate to the needs and interests of a specified audience. Effective transitions enhance the reader's understanding of your position. The other side's best argument is appropriately acknowledged and then refuted.

Ends with a clear, satisfying sense of closure (a quote, question, reflection, prediction, etc.) that strongly persuades the reader and reinforces the writer's position on the issue.

All information gathered (interviews, pictures, facts, quotes) is cited correctly in the text and with a correctly formatted MLA Works Cited Page. Sources of information are credible and relevant.

Text is free of errors in sentence structure, punctuation, usage, and spelling. Careful proofreading is evident.

Paper is formatted correctly and easy to read. Your name is typed in the upper right hand corner of the paper. Title, if any, is no larger than 14-size font at the top and center of the page. Title may be in bold. (No separate cover page allowed.) Typed, (not bold, not italicized) Times New Roman size 12, double-spaced (correctly). Margins are appropriate: size (1”).