Tuesday, November 27, 2012

We're wrapping up the editorial.

1. Write draft #1 in sourcebook (all 5 paragraphs).  (You’ve submitted the first two paragraphs for grading.)  Refer to the plan you made in your sourcebook.
2.  Write interview questions & conduct interviews (research) with classmates, teachers, parents, or administrators.
3.  Research other information IF NEEDED – school climate survey, internet, school code of conduct, etc.  Do not cut and paste.  Take notes and include information as you write and draft. 
4.  Find all your drafts, graded and ungraded, and rewrite them, or put them in order.  Gather your information from research and quotes from interviews. You should have five paragraphs.
5.  Type final draft of editorial using the required formatting.  (One inch margin, Times new Roman, size 12, black ink, white paper, double spaced.)   Save often to your own “thumb” drive and your user file.  There should be five paragraphs.
6.  Check for mechanics.  Right click on ALL red and green squiggly underlines to find spelling errors (red) and grammar errors (green).  Check that you have five paragraphs (intro, 3 “teeps” body paragraphs, and a conclusion).  Check that you have all persuasive strategies being used – logos, pathos, ethos, kairos.  Check that you included transitional words, phrases, and hooks.
7.  Add your list of sources—Works Cited—to the last page.  It includes all outside information used in your paper, including interviews.  You may use Easy Bib.  Refer to your handout on how to cite.

Want to check your work?  Here's the highest section of the rubric--what to do to get an A.  Click here for a full copy of the rubric.    ( We fixed the link!)  You'll get your own copy in class.  The rubric looks long but we've had lessons and worked on each part in class.  Check your sourcebook for any part that is unclear or that you've forgotten.  It's very similar to a timed essay with three exceptions: you get more time, it's typed, and you include a Works Cited.  

Lead introduces subject, and immediately engages the reader’s interest, impelling continued reading by using scqab The leads we learned….see notes).
The writer has a clear thesis (claim and reasons) that is  smoothly connected to the lead..  The reasons are listed in a parallel structure.
Support is elaborated:  substantial, specific, concrete, relevant,  and/or  illustrative.
Persuasive Appeals
Persuasive appeals of pathos, logos, ethos, and kairos are applied effectively.
Word & Sentence Variety
 Each sentence is clear and has an obvious emphasis.  Word choice is precise, powerful, and appropriate. 
Information is purposefully organized in a way that makes sense for the audience.  Effective transitions enhance the reader's understanding of your position.   Paragraphs have effective topic sentences and "so" sentences.
Ends with a clear, satisfying sense of closure  that strongly persuades the reader (PEPI)  and reinforces the writer's position on the issue.
Works Cited & Use of Sources
All information gathered (interviews, pictures, facts, quotes) is cited correctly in the text and with a correctly formatted MLA Works Cited Page.  Sources of information are credible and relevant.
Punctuation & Spelling
Text is mostly free of errors in sentence structure, punctuation, usage, and spelling. Careful proofreading is evident.
Paper is formatted correctly and easy to read. Your name is typed in the upper right hand corner of the paper.  Title is no larger than 14-size font at the top and center  of the page. Title may be in bold.  (No separate cover page allowed.) Typed, (not bold, not italicized) Times New Roman, size 12, double-spaced (correctly). Margins are appropriate: size (1”).