Thursday, September 6, 2007

Where I'm From Poem

The poem we are writing this week helps us each answer the question, "where am I from?" What we have discovered is that our childhood memories and experiences are what shape who we are today. Therefore, we are from much more than just the place where we live or were born. Our poems are inspired by the original poem by George Ella Lyon. We will continue writing the poems this week. Then, you will use the poem to decorate your writing/reading folders. If you are working on the poem at home, here is the rubric:

______ The poem is obviously inspired by the model poem. (Evidence: Uses the line “I am from…” and “From….” as the framework for the images.)
______ The poem uses vivid, specific, original images that help the reader understand more about the writer’s life. The poem has a voice that is unique and sounds like the writer.
______ The poem uses sensory language and/or other literary devices (alliteration, similes or metaphors).
______ The poem is about a page in length (about 20-30 lines).
______ The poem is divided into 4-6 stanzas (about the same length as the model poem) and has appropriate, meaningful line breaks. (It should not look like a paragraph).
______ The poem is formatted neatly (typed or handwritten), single-spaced with an extra space between stanzas.
______ The folder is neat. (You can decorate with images from the poem but it's not required.)

We shared our favorite lines of our poems in class but we'd love to hear your favorite lines as comments on this blog. Remember if you want your favorite line published here, include your first name and last initial only. This way, we'll create our own collaborative poem.