Thursday, January 21, 2016

Transitions plus a sample of the whole essay

We learned a trick for transitions so you aren't just adding transitional "tag" words.  If you were absent, read the definitions below and find the simple hook and deeper hook used in the whole essay below.
Topic sentences can be transitions, too! 
Simple Hook — the last word of the previous paragraph is hooked into the first sentence of the next paragraph to introduce the next reason.
If you can’t do this trick with the last word, find your best phrase….
Deeper hook — hook to a specific word/phrase anywhere in the previous paragraph to connect to the next reason. 

Should students have daily a daily physical education class? 
Coach Williams is barking out the count for our fifty crunches.  The gym smells like feet.  I’m exhausted.  Despite these complaints, I’m in favor of physical education at least every other day in school.  It helps us maintain our physical health, it elevates our mood, and improves our academic performance. 
          Let’s start with what many would say is the most obvious reason to have daily physical education: maintaining our health.  In the Achieve3000 article, “Fewer Kids Getting Fit at School,” it says, “Exercise can reduce the risk for chronic diseases, like diabetes, and help support healthy bones, muscles, and joints.” It also mentions that about a third of kids today are overweight.  For me to maintain a healthy weight and keep my muscles and joints in good shape, I walk daily—and I take my daughter too.  It makes a difference that we can feel when we occasionally fall out of the habit.  Other parents may not be able to guarantee that hour of play because of work or other family commitments.  This is where daily P.E. fills a need.  Still, few elementary schools offer it everyday.  There’s not much that’s more important than being fit, strong, and healthy.  
In addition keeping us healthy, having P.E. everyday would enhance our emotional mood.  According to the article “Another Reason to Get Up and Go,” exercise helps to trigger neurochemicals inside our brains.  The article says, “These chemicals heighten feelings of pleasure.”  Neurochemicals are like little inner tubes floating our bad feelings downstream.  When we exercise, we have more neurochemicals, which makes us happy.   Because of our feelings of happiness while exercising, we are also less likely to look for pleasure in bad activities, like drug use.  In that same article, I learned that kids who exercise daily “were fifty percent less likely to smoke cigarettes” and “forty percent less likely to experiment with marijuana.”  That is remarkable.  Teachers always teach about the dangers of drugs, but a better way to prevent drug use is to just let kids have P.E. everyday.  Exercise simply makes us happier, which leads to better mental health.
Those little neurochemicals that get activated during PE also help you perform better in your job or at school.  According to “Keep Moving,” Education Secretary Arne Duncan himself said that, as a student, exercise helped him focus since he often “had a hard time siting still in class.” I know many students would agree with this.  Ninety-minute classes can seem like an eternity when you’re doing nothing but staying in one place reading and writing; this leads to lots of toe-tapping, clock-watching and heavy sighs of frustration. Besides helping with focus, gym class can provide a much needed break from academic classes and give students a chance to socialize.  Some schools say they don’t have time in their schedule or the money for P.E., but research shows that “giving kids time to play….does not have an adverse effect on their test scores” (“Fewer Kids Getting Fit at School”).  Hopefully someday all schools will see the link between a daily PE requirement and doing well in school.
Daily physical education class will help us do well with all of these: our health, our mood, and our academic performance. So, even though the gym smells like feet, and we hate dressing out everyday, I’ve come to the conclusion that a daily physical education class is worth it for the benefits we reap.

Notice the format of the essay!  Times New Roma, Size 12, double spaced.