In your next reading log, you will practice writing and answering questions about your reading. You must write and answer one of each type listed below.
RT—Answers found In the Text.
Right There-the reader can find the answer in one sentence or two sentences next to each other. This requires one passage or quote from the text. Then, explain the relevance. It’s like a basic fact question or a simple test question.
TAS—Answers found In the Text.
Think and Search-the reader must read several separate sentences, paragraphs or pages to find the answer. Requires three passages or quotes from the text. Then, explain the relevance. Example: What evidence do we have that….?
AAM—Answers found In My Head.
Author and Me-answer the question with ideas derived from the book, but must also use own knowledge and experience. This should have your opinion or a judgment plus one passage or quote as support.
OMO—Answers found In My Head.
On My Own—You should be able to answer the question without reading or rereading the text by giving an opinion. The question is on a topic related to the reading. The reading should inspire the question but the question is about a bigger issue in our world or society.